The Green Committee is responsible for encouraging First Lutheran members, both as individuals and as a faith community, to fulfill God's earliest commandment: that we should keep and till and tend the earth. (Genesis 2:15)
Our Green program of reflection and response follows the arc of the church year and the changing natural seasons.
Lights for Epiphany
"In the Season of Light, Bring Lights" On the first Sunday after Epiphany, we encourage FLC members to donate energy-efficient light bulbs as part of the morning offering. They are given to the St. Peter Area Food Shelf for its clients.
During education hour on a Sunday, we sponsor a set of presentations and demonstrations relating to creation care and wellness. This has included: community gardening and community supported agriculture; green reading materials in the church library; healthy eating; local foods; recycling tips; pilates, yoga, meditation and mindfulness
First Forum Presenters
We normally sponsor a forum speaker two or three times a year.
Food Shelf Garden
Throughout the summer months, we maintain the vegetable garden on the hillside east of our church building. All fresh produce is donated to the St. Peter Area Food Shelf. In past years we've grown lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, cucumbers and squash. We need your help!