Musical Groups FLC has several established groups that practice regularly. It is possible to participate when it works for you! Chancel Choir Chancel choir sings once a month during services and on special occasions. All voices, grades 7 through adult, are welcome. Rehearsals are held twice per month (usually the Sunday we sing and the week before) from 9:15-9:55. Email [email protected] for more information. Childrens Choir All PK - 6th grade children are invited to join the children's choir. We play instruments, play games, join together in worship, and of course SING! Children's choir sings twice per season during service and rehearses during Wednesday nights at First. Handbell Choir All those interested in playing handbells should contact Sarah at [email protected] for more information. Adult handbells generally play once per month during service and rehearses during Wednesday nights at First. Ensembles Our ensembles are almost never the exact same group of people each time - come when available! These groups typically play or sing once every two to four months with one rehearsal date shortly beforehand. Sarah contacts you (typically via email) if you don't contact her first! Contact Us To receive special Worship & Music Ministries e-newsletters with more schedule details or to volunteer musically in any way, please contact Sarah Chambers at [email protected].