United in faith with a commitment to serve all people, we are sent to do God's work by actively bringing together the congregation, communities and generations.
We Value -
Seeking inclusion, diversity, and justice;
Feeding our faith for growth and renewal through excellent preaching and liturgical worship that reflects the Lutheran tradition;
Providing a place of worship, fellowship, learning and musical opportunities for all ages and abilities;
Working for healing and reconciliation; and
Sharing generously of our first fruits: time, talents and resources.
Reconciling In Christ Congregation First Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation of the ELCA. Held in Christ, our Center, and living in grateful response to God's love and grace, we welcome everyone, without exception. We make known our gratitude and appreciation for all, including people of every race, sex, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital and familial status, physical and mental ability health status, socioeconomic situation, education level, age, and political affiliation. Please join with us as we seek to celebrate the image of God in all people, nurture meaningful relationships, and share our collective gifts in response to the world's deep hunger for hope, love, grace, justice and peace.
Honor the profound transformational quality of love by showing love, understanding and care to all.
Deeply welcome everyone, without exception, and sustain meaningful welcome over time.
Encourage, equip and empower all members to discern and act upon their gifts, joys and passions.
Learn and share in peace and reciprocity with the many world religious, cultural and wisdom traditions.
Respond to the world's deep hunger for hope, love, grace, justice and peace.
WHAT WE BELIEVE AS ELCA LUTHERANS Lutherans believe in the Triune God. God created and loves all of creation -- the earth and the seas and its inhabitants. We believe that God's Son, Jesus Christ, transforms lives through his death on the cross and his new life, and we trust that God's Spirit is active in the world.
We are part of God's unfolding plan. When we gather for worship, we connect with believers everywhere. When we study the Bible or hear God's word in worship, we are drawn more deeply into God's own saving story.
The convictions shared by Christians from many different traditions are expressed in statements of belief called creeds. These ecumenical creeds that Lutherans affirm and use in worship confess the faith of the church through the ages and around the world. The ELCA accepts the following creeds as true declarations of the faith of this church: The Apostle's Creed, The Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed.